
Unlawful Detainer

Fast, Efficient, Evictions

An unlawful detainer is typically used to remove persons from a home who have never paid rent and have no legal claim to possession, such as unknown squatters or family members. The main difference between an eviction and an unlawful detainer is that the person you want to remove from the property has never paid rent and has no right to possesion of the property. It is often used in family disputes, when an owner has passed away and a relative or roommate refuses to vacate the property; or when a family member’s drug or criminal issues become too much to bear. 

These situations happen more often than you think and we have helped many owners regain control of their property and remove individuals who refuse to move out. Like evictions, unlawful detainers are fast moving lawsuits; however, they are more likely to require a court appearance if contested. Because of this, they cost a bit more than an eviction, however our extensive experience in this area keeps these matters straightforward and quickly resolved.

Contact us

We have helped hundreds of landlords in Florida recover possession of their rental properties from delinquent tenants. E-mail us or call to get started today.